In the offshore fishery, technology and sustainability go hand-in-hand. Throughout the industry, technologies and practices are being implemented to reduce our carbon footprint, become more fuel efficient, and have minimal impact on the environment. Here’s how we make that happen:

Harvesting Technologies

The offshore fishery has invested in harvesting technologies, such as 3D bottom mapping, to minimize contact with the ocean floor, decrease the number of tows needed, and reduce the amount of by-catch and juvenile species harvested. As well, our harvesting plans avoid sensitive areas and plant life. Additional technologies provide full traceability of our products and improve energy efficiency, all to help build a modern, thriving offshore fishery.

Processing-at-Sea Technologies

Technology also helps us maximize the value of every pound of seafood caught. Many member companies process seafood at sea within hours, sometimes minutes, of live catch with the help of x-ray technologies and robotics. Being individually quick frozen (IQF), this seafood is among the freshest, highest quality seafood in the world.

Processing-on-Land Technologies

Meanwhile, some companies process seafood on land. We are proud to say that the only world-class North Atlantic cod processing plant in North America is located in Newfoundland and Labrador. Tens of millions of dollars have been invested to ensuring the technologies used in the plant are among the best in the world, from skinning and filleting fish to ensuring the fish temperature meets global standards at every step of the process. Those investments improve the quality of the product without reducing the number of people employed in the plant.

Direct Sales to Markets

Our members understand the complexity of global seafood markets, from the importance of authentic cuisine in Asia to the demand for responsibly sourced seafood in Europe. They deal directly with local and international customers and have invested heavily in developing new markets for underutilized species to help grow the economy and the brand of Canadian seafood. Our members’ ability to sell local seafood to premium markets, allows for better prices paid to harvesters.

Marks & Spencer, a major multinational retailer headquartered in the UK and key premium market buyer of Newfoundland cod, visits NL. L-R: Steve McLean (Head of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries at M&S), Hannah Macintyre (Fisheries & Aquaculture Manager at M&S) and Alberto Wareham (President & CEO of Icewater Seafoods in Arnold’s Cove, NL).